Monday, September 8, 2008

From The Beginning to the End

I signed on to MSN to see if anyone was on, He shouted “Yes Julie is on!”
I opened a conversation with her, He said “Hey Hun.”
She replied back saying “Hi.”
I thought to myself, hmm she doesn’t seem very happy, I wonder what’s the matter.
I said to her, “Hey what’s the matter?”
Julie answered back right away, “Oh, nothing I just don’t feel to well I think I just need some rest.”
“Okay well do you want to hang out later?” I asked her
She answered, “Uh no I am hanging out with Brittany today, maybe tomorrow? But I got to go so I will see you later? Bye”
“Bye,” I said sadly
It said on the computer screen Julie.. <33. has signed off. Matt, also signed off. He went upstairs to get a drink, he got a text from his best friend Cory, It read “Hey dude what’s up?”
I replied back saying “nothing much but I need some advise.”
Matt got another text from Cory, it said “c’mon dude you know I don’t do advice.”
I replied back saying “I know but this is serious, I don’t know if Julie likes me anymore, she pretty much ignored me today on msn, but idk?” Matt called his friend Luke and asked if he could hang out with him tonight, he said “sure.”
So Matt got in his car and drove to Luke’s. It was 5:15 and he texted Cory and said “Hey do you want to hang out later?”
Cory texted back and it said “Uh No, I am Hanging out with Trey tonight.”
Matt texted back saying “that’s cool I guess.”
At 6:30 Matt drove around his town Saupel, to see if he could find Cory or Julie, Matt couldn’t believe what he was looking at right this second, “My girlfriend is cheating on me with my best friend, well I guess now my ex-best friend” Matt growled as he drove home.
When Matt got home, he texted Cory and said “I know your secret” Cory replied back saying “what are you talking about??”
“your dead.” Matt wrote back as he put his cell phone on the charger and got ready to go watch a movie.
When the movie was over it was 11:20, Matt still couldn’t believe that his girlfriend was cheating on him, he was furious at Julie.
“We will NEVER be friends again.” Matt said to himself as he got in to bed, Matt went to sleep.
When he woke up in the morning, he ate some breakfast and went to go phone Julie when the phone rang, it was Julie
“Hello” I said.
“Hi, what’s up?” Julie asked me.
I said to her “nothing but I have a question for you?”
“What is it?” Julie asked.
“All I have to say is, how was your date yesterday?” Matt asked her
“What are you talking about? How do you know?” Julie said with a strange voice.
“I know what you were doing yesterday and NONE of it had ANYTHING to do with hanging out with Brittany, I know your cheating on me with my BEST FRIEND, and I think this relationship can go no further, Matt hung up the phone.
Matt felt really good about breaking up with Julie.
Matt texted Cory one last time, and he said “You’re the Biggest loser is the history of EVER, I hate you and we are defiantly not friends anymore, Only my worst enemies cheat on my girlfriends.”
Cory texted back and said “ Huh, what are you talking about Julie was never cheating on you, we were only hanging out yesterday because we, ah I hate to tell you and ruin the surprise but we were planning you a surprise birthday party.”
Matt read the text and SCREAMED, “AHHH I GOT TO GO CALL JULIE!!!!!” Matt bolted down to his room to grab his phone, right away he called Julie, Julie answered “What” Julie I know you weren’t cheating on me it was my mistake I didn’t know you were planning me a surprise party, I am sorry can you forgive me” Matt asked her.
Julie said to him “I am sorry too I shouldn’t have told you a lie, can we get back together?” “YES, but you know I should go, I will call you later, I love you and I will always love you even if something like this happens again.” Julie answered back. “bye bye I love you too.”
Matt hung up the phone and was happy like he was before and he hopes he can be like this FOREVER!