Monday, June 22, 2009

Candy Apple Red

Candy Apple Red

Is it really mine?
This one of a kind,
Candy Apple Red,
Racing Stripes,
Driving Fast.
The glares I get from all those strangers,
They can’t believe it’s me,
Driving behind the wheel of a Mustang GT.
A mustang is as fast as a horse.
Some people think that the name came from a horse,
But they were wrong.
It came from a plane,
Shocker hey!
The gorgeous mustang,
Now in my hands.
I can’t believe what I’m seeing,
A 2008 Mustang GT!
I have always dreamed of owning a mustang,
Now as I stare at the mustang I now own.
A Mustang is a horse,
Aka: a Mustang.
Is it really mine?
This 2008 Mustang GT.

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